Research focus

One of the experimental systems historically used by the group is the 7B-1 tomato mutant, which is characterized by resistance to various abiotic stresses, specifically under blue light. For this reason, the group has developed a project to study the molecular mechanisms by which light of different wavelengths influences the ability of plants to tolerate abiotic stress.

The group’s research program primarily focuses on studying the effects of light on seed germination and plant growth, particularly how light impacts the function of anion channels and water channels (aquaporins). The second main area of the group’s research is investigating the molecular mechanisms of plant photomorphogenesis, primarily through plant hormones (e.g., ABA, auxins, gibberellins).

The group specifically explores the mechanisms by which light affects seed germination in tomato and Arabidopsis plants, emphasizing the role of blue light signaling pathways mediated by cryptochrome and phototropin photoreceptors.

Research leader

Martin Fellner

Team members

  • Petra Bublavá
  • David Šimek
  • Natálie Závorková
  • Eliška Hlavinková

More information are available on the group website.